Making Your Salary Work For You In 2023

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation It’s finally here – the first quarter of 2023; March. A lot’s happened since we last clinked our glasses at New Year’s Eve and wished for a better year filled with hope and more reasons to celebrate life.  New Year 2023 in hindsightContinue reading “Making Your Salary Work For You In 2023”

Shedding Some light On The Gas Price Increase

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation  Over the past several weeks there has been the growing cry of frustration and disbelief at the steady increasing price of gas and petroleum products on the market. This consistent increase comes as a surprise even considering that there have already been globalContinue reading “Shedding Some light On The Gas Price Increase”

Crypto currencies – How it works (An Intro)

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation  We are, no doubt, in the digital era.  The modern day climate has called for a move to doing business, schooling, and other activities online and it looks as if there will be no turning back. In addition to more of our businessContinue reading “Crypto currencies – How it works (An Intro)”

Gen X & Gen Y – Working Together

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation  In a world that is getting increasingly smaller thanks to technology, lines are being blurred between demographics as all people learn to work as one for the betterment of the planet and future generations. We are Generation Y, the Millennials (born between 1981Continue reading “Gen X & Gen Y – Working Together”

Choosing The Best Business Venture For You

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation This one is for those of us who don’t fit into the 9 – 5 routine and know that quite well. In reality,  we’d prefer to be working on our own objectives rather than contributing to another individual’s enterprise (aka: a job).  TheContinue reading “Choosing The Best Business Venture For You”

2 Basic but wise investment strategies for beginners

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation Money, money, money. Everyone wants more money. Everyone says they need more money and need it now. But how exactly does someone strategize to get more cash in hand or what steps can someone take to boost his or her financial standing atContinue reading “2 Basic but wise investment strategies for beginners”

3 easy ways to become an overnight entrepreneur

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs is a blog for our generation. So, you’re thinking about becoming an entrepreneur and really want to make it a reality. With all the economic changes experienced due to 2020s global pandemic, you feel more than ready to take on this risk. After all, you’ve spent way too manyContinue reading “3 easy ways to become an overnight entrepreneur”