The Future (part 1)

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation THE FUTURE– Has it crossed your mind lately?  Thoughts of the future seem to be on the minds of many, shared in a whisper between friends and a major conversation piece at social gatherings, bars and dinner tables. It’s pretty hard to avoidContinue reading “The Future (part 1)”

The reason for the season

(A reflection on celebrating our Independence) Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation Photo credit WIC NEWS The older a nation gets, the more generations are added, the more faded the true significance of its Independence Day becomes. To be fair, this can be largely attributed to the fact thatContinue reading “The reason for the season”

10 Life Hacks that could change your life

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation At the beginning of the year (January) is usually the time of year where we apply turbo speed toward implementing our New Year resolutions to better our lives. Most times however, shortly thereafter we seem to lose sight of our goals (typically byContinue reading “10 Life Hacks that could change your life”

15 DIY project ideas for 2023

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation We’re just about to round up the first quarter of 2023, have you considered your DIY projects for this year yet? Even if you have, there’s always room to add more activities or projects to keep yourself occupied, develop a new skill, orContinue reading “15 DIY project ideas for 2023”

Making Your Salary Work For You In 2023

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation It’s finally here – the first quarter of 2023; March. A lot’s happened since we last clinked our glasses at New Year’s Eve and wished for a better year filled with hope and more reasons to celebrate life.  New Year 2023 in hindsightContinue reading “Making Your Salary Work For You In 2023”

Christmas Feels in ‘The Commonwealth’

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation It’s the most wonderful time of the year!! For those who are familiar with popular Christmas tunes, this is a line from the 1963 classic Christmas song, by Andy Williams, which to date, still receives a lot of airplay throughout the holiday season. Continue reading “Christmas Feels in ‘The Commonwealth’”

The Feels – Creole Season 2022

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation Dominicans, the region, and the rest of the world, have heaved a collective sigh of relief as COVID-19 protocols have steadily been relaxed over the past few months. This change in global dynamic has led to the resurgence of travel, in person gatherings,Continue reading “The Feels – Creole Season 2022”

Mental Health is Wealth

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation  ‘The mind is a terrible thing to waste’ is  a popular saying by former head of the United Negro College Fund, Arthur Fletcher. This saying can be positioned to mean many things, because the mind really is such an intricate and complex partContinue reading “Mental Health is Wealth”

French Vs. French Creole (Clarification)

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation  Language is vital to the development of humans and societies around the world. People communicate, using language, to bring across critical points which in turn have a significant impact on a population. Language, that is the spoken word, is the most common formContinue reading “French Vs. French Creole (Clarification)”

Roseau City Dominica. What does the future look like?

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation  The city of a country is its heartbeat. The sight,  the sounds, even the hustle and bustle creates an addictive buzz that draws everyone in. The city  houses several essential services which keeps the economy running and serves as a tourist attraction point.  Continue reading “Roseau City Dominica. What does the future look like?”