Gen X & Gen Y – Working Together

Straight forward, witty and timeless. #TellItLikeItIs, is a blog for our generation 

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In a world that is getting increasingly smaller thanks to technology, lines are being blurred between demographics as all people learn to work as one for the betterment of the planet and future generations.

We are Generation Y, the Millennials (born between 1981 – 1994). In this present day we have a lot going on for us, and are coming into influential positions to move the world in the right direction. But we can’t do this alone. The purpose of this article is for us to consider that we will need to work with those who came  before us in order to not repeat mistakes of the past – i.e. Generation X. 

Generation X (1965 – 1980) speaks to those born after the baby boomers Generation and before Generation Y. So we are looking here at people 41 – 56 years of age. Although Gen X is seldom overlooked, this demographic is actually the first digital savvy generation and has contributed to our current world in significant ways (e.g. Gen Xers invented Google).  

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Gen X-ers are at the point where they are approaching the middle of their working careers and potential peak earning years and there’s a lot that we can learn from observing and working with them. On a personal and professional level it is good to stay in touch with Gen X-ers to get tips and advice on how to advance in the workplace, or even how to attain some personal goals. Looking at the bigger picture which is the future for all mankind, collaboration between our generations is key.

We can start with a mentality shift. Gen X-ers were raised to compartmentalize issues and be exclusive on certain matters. But with the emergence of Gen Y, the Gen X-ers may be in for a rude, yet needed, awakening. Millennials are different, a bit more liberal in their thinking and can help Generation X see the world in a different light and realize that things are not so black and white. You see, Gen Y is more of the belief that Inclusivity is the way to go as we live together, work together, share the same resources and make the most of life on this earth.

Generation X and Generation Y working together can realize a similar purpose in life. In the workplace, collaboration is key to help the company thrive. In the wider world collaboration is key to help raise awareness on societal issues and take action to tackle social injustices. With the generations working together to tackle, and reverse trends such as climate change, domestic abuse, racism and other forms of injustice in society, the world would indeed be a better place and heading in a more positive direction – quicker

So let’s actively try to collaborate or at least start to seriously consider, foreseeing all the benefits. Let’s also work with patience, understanding the differences between our generations may put up barriers at first, but will eventually create a beautiful working and living relationship. Bear in mind this practice will need to continue. In the near future Gen Y will need to work with Gen Z and vice versa to continue preserving the earth and working towards the best future for humanity. 

Written by: Andrea Louis

For: Generation Y Dominica

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